Implementing Change in an Organization
Most of you who visit this site know from experience that organization change is becoming more, not less prevalent. Globalization certainly plays a part in this. So does technology. And so does the demand for quarter-upon-quarter improvement in performance in many organizations. Most readers will acknowledge the greater frequency and speed of change without argument.
If this is increasingly our reality, then what must be our response? The answer is simple, but not easy.
The answer is that we must become very good at implementing change in an organization with the least amount of disruption to routine operations and the fastest time to adoption at the highest level of proficiency for the change being made. In order to do this, making effective organization change must become a well-developed competency on everyone’s part.
The purpose of The Change Kit is to provide leaders, managers, change consultants, and individual contributors with practical information and tools to help them build their competence in organization change. Effective organization change depends on strong leadership, a compelling vision, active sponsorship, solid diagnostic skills, and continuity of resources - among a variety of other factors. The Change Kit cannot substitute for shortcomings in these areas. However, the content and tools contained in The Change Kit can help people at all levels build their knowledge of the subject of organization change and contribute to the collective ability to accelerate and effectively execute change as described above. The resources and tools at your fingertips will help you implement change in the workplace and help employees embrace change.
The site is a resource for implementing change in an organization, at any level. Gary Frank designed The Change Kit to respond to a set of questions and topics that years of experience indicate are top-of-mind for people leading, managing, and experiencing change as well as those who are in a consulting role. Other than the sequence of the change phases from Foundations to Executing to Sustaining, the content of this website should not be considered strictly sequential. The user will be well-served to consider the topics within a phase and determine the sequence that best serves their needs.